Changing the future of food

It might seem like an impossible puzzle: we all need food to survive, but the food we eat is harming the planet. So how do we feed people while caring for nature?

A group of more than 60 young people from around the world met at the Eat4Change Youth Summit in Finland in October 2023 to discuss this and other environmental issues caused by food production and consumption.

You can meet the six UK delegates below and get a snapshot of their thoughts on the summit.

You can also watch our sustainable eating Q&A to get some tips on how you can make some everyday changes to how you shop and eat.

The impacts of food production are severe and far-reaching, from Amazon deforestation in order to grow animal feed, to water pollution in the UK from agricultural run-off.

By switching what we eat and spreading the word about planet-friendly food, we can help make a difference.

Meet the Eat4Change activists

Six young people from the UK were among the delegates at the Eat4Change Youth Summit. We asked them what they’d learned from the event, and what we can all do to make nature-friendly choices and inspire change.


We need to see greater diversity in the food we eat and an understanding that different regions of the world require unique solutions.


Be curious about how the food you eat gets onto your plate. Be open to new ideas. Take small steps – try having one meat-free day a week.


Get involved! As you start educating yourself about issues with our food systems you can influence people around you.


We need to acknowledge the influence of our food culture. Concentrating on the environmental impact of specific foods isn’t enough.


Young people can be activists and educators. We can teach future generations, and our activism can leave a good legacy for the planet.


The summit was remarkable. Seeing this group of young people working to protect nature has renewed my passion and hope.

Watch our ‘Can We Eat For Change?’ Q&A

Maleeka and Gonzalo from WWF-UK answer a range of food-related questions, from how to eat sustainably to tackling food waste.


Discover nature-friendly food

Visit the Eat4Change site to learn more about how the food you eat affects nature – and how to enjoy more planet-friendly meals