Take action

Take action to make a positive change in the world. Together we can protect our planet, to help people and nature survive and thrive

Sumatran orangutan mother holds her baby, which is looking at the camera

Shop sustainably to protect precious habitats

Use our Palm Oil Buyers Scorecard to see which companies are doing their bit to stop the destruction of tropical rainforests

Smoke rises above farmland and trees on fire in Sao Paulo state, Brazil

Tell our leaders to bring our world back to life

The next UK government will need to take urgent action to stop the destruction of nature. Sign our petition to tell our leaders to act now

A person in a WWF T-shirt works in an urban community garden

Create a greener world at work

An office, a workshop or even outdoors – wherever you work, could your company go greener? Our new guide makes it easier to create a more sustainable workplace

A seven-spot ladybird on blue forget-me-not flowers

Garden wildlife: Look after the little ones

Roll out the green carpet in your outdoor spaces to make insects welcome. It’s a boost for biodiversity and a helping hand for gardeners too!

Earth seen from space during Earth Hour, with most of the planet in darkness

Make a difference in 60 minutes with Earth Hour

Turn a symbolic act into action with this year’s Earth Hour. Whether you switch off your lights or spark a conversation, our ideas will help you make a change

Solar panels and wind turbines generating renewable energy

The biggest deals from COP28 – and what they mean

The latest global climate conference caused celebration and concern in equal measure. We look at five key decisions and the effect they might have

Stand up for the future of our forests

A new report shows the world is failing to protect its forests. But there’s still time to get back on track and end deforestation


Give your home energy use an eco-boost

Discover the forecasting tools that will let you know when you can power your home with renewable energy rather than fossil fuels

A hazel dormouse faces the camera as it clings to a slender tree trunk covered in lichen

Ask our leaders to take action for UK nature

The latest State of Nature report sparked protests around the UK as it revealed wildlife is still in decline. Will you help us call for more action?

A model of a house sits wrapped in scarf on domestic radiator

Insulate your home: quick fixes and big wins

Draughts and heat loss can cause chilly homes in winter, but there are plenty of ways to keep the warmth inside – better for your budget and for nature!


Fresh ideas to cut food waste

Throwing food away is bad news for your budget and the planet. But there are plenty of tasty ideas to try if you find yourself with unused ingredients


Save our wild isles – at work!

Businesses have a huge role to play in protecting and restoring UK nature. Discover how our films can help you spread the word at work


Recycling right – how to prevent plastic pollution

Wherever you live, plastic that gets thrown away can end up on the coast, polluting our seas. Get the lowdown on recycling all sorts of plastic to help keep the ocean clean


Five ways you can take action for the Amazon

From conscious consumption to sparking discussion, discover how you can play a part in safeguarding this irreplaceable ecosystem


Seven tips for water-wise gardening

With summers set to become hotter and drier, it could be hard to look after our green spaces. But our tips will help you save water while keeping your plants happy


Reduce your pet’s carbon pawprint

Pets bring joy to our lives, but they also create a significant carbon footprint. Our tips will help you reduce the impact of your furry, scaly or fishy friends


Unlock the green potential of your pension

While many of us pay into a pension to protect our financial future, choosing a provider that invests in sustainable projects could protect the planet too


Six ways to be a sustainable festival-goer

There’s a festival to suit every taste these days. If you’re heading off for a weekend of al fresco music and fun, make the experience as eco-friendly as possible


Make your garden a hedgehog haven

Hedgehog numbers are falling dramatically in the UK, but you can take a few simple steps to give these prickly mammals a helping hand


Take your pick: become a litter hero

Whether it’s a 10-minute tidy in your street or a big countryside clean-up, litter-picking is practical and positive. And it can be good for you, too!


Ask your MP to stand up for nature

We’re calling on leaders to stand up for nature and take action on climate change. Will you add your voice to ours?


Grow your own wildflowers – wherever you live

Whether you have a garden or a window box, sowing wildflower seeds can provide a vital boost for nature. Get planting today!

Low sunshine illuminates a valley of green fields, with purple flowers in the foreground

Will you act now to help save UK nature?

If Wild Isles has inspired you to do more to protect UK nature, a new campaign will help you take action, as well as making sure our leaders listen

A blue tit sits on the branch of a tree bursting with bright pink blossom

Eight ways to make nature welcome

The easiest way to support UK nature is to make wildlife feel at home on your doorstep. Whether you’ve got a grand garden or a compact balcony, our tips will help you to help nature

An aerial photo shows a river meandering through a UK landscape of green fields and trees

Save water, protect our rivers

In a warming climate, the UK’s rivers and streams are in greater danger of running dry. But we can help to preserve them – just follow our 10 tips to reduce your water use

Low sunlight brings a warm glow to cliffs above a sandy cove, with pink 'sea heather', or thrift, in the foreground

Take action today to Save Our Wild Isles

As Sir David Attenborough’s new UK-focused natural history series is aired, we’re calling on everyone to take urgent action to Save Our Wild Isles

An overhead shot of a spread of nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables and tofu

Get creative with ‘future foods’

Our global food system is reliant on a handful of crops, leaving it vulnerable to climate change and other challenges. But a diverse diet of ‘future foods’ can be good for you and the planet

A group of walruses huddle on a small patch of ice near the coast

Get involved: Meet a walrus detective

Our Walrus From Space project, in partnership with British Antarctic Survey, is giving thousands of people the chance to get involved with conservation research. Volunteer Evy Schouten explains why she signed up to become a citizen scientist

People gather round a chopping board to prepare carrots, green beans and mushrooms

Five ways to eat well for nature

Start making a difference today! Introduce small changes to your everyday meals and you can help create a better world

A discarded Christmas tree is propped outside a front door, with needles around it on the pavement

10 tips for going green after Christmas

There are plenty of ways to have an eco-friendly celebration, but our tips will help you protect the planet and minimise your festive footprint on Boxing Day and beyond

A salad of tofu with tomatoes and green beans

Choose the right plant-based alternative for you

Reducing our consumption of meat and dairy is a great way to protect nature. But some plant-based foods are better for the planet – and your health – than others. Our tips will help you choose the best options

An aerial shot of forests being cleared for oil palm plantations

Palm oil: everything you need to know

From biscuits to bubble bath, palm oil is found in hundreds of everyday products. But why is it so popular – and so problematic? Get the facts with our guide.

Photograph of a school of swimming fish

Which fish should I eat?

Making environmentally responsible seafood choices is a great way to enjoy a healthy diet and help protect our ocean, but where do you start?

Crates of rubbish sorted for recycling

10 ways to wise up on waste

From smarter recycling to repairing and reusing what you own, our ideas will help you reduce your rubbish

A red admiral butterfly sits on a flowering Dame's Rocket plant

Six essential pollinators – and how to help them

A wide range of insects are vital for thriving flowers, trees and crops. Gardening expert Kate Bradbury offers a guide to six essential species and the plants you can grow to support them

A small group of walkers stand on top of a rocky hill

Get moving for WWF

You can support our vital conservation work by getting into the great outdoors and running, walking and riding for nature

An orange-tailed mining bee feeds on a dandelion

Planting for pollinators

We can’t live without bees, but in the UK they’re being pushed to the brink. So this summer let’s make every garden an oasis for pollinators

Clothes dry on a washing line

Make a change, make a difference

From laundry day to meal times, we can build a better world by making small changes to our everyday lives

An illustration of a spring vegetable garden

Plant your own Wildlife-friendly vegetables

Growing your own food is an easy way to do your bit for our world. Wildlife gardener Kate Bradbury reveals how you can encourage wildlife and enjoy delicious, fresh food straight from your garden – whatever its size

A Christmas present wrapped in fabric with natural decorations

10 bright ideas for a green Christmas

Christmas is a time for caring, so here are our top tips for enjoying some planet-friendly festivities

A red and green macaw flies through the Brazilian jungle

Appetite for destruction

The world’s forests are critical to the survival of our planet. Yet our food choices are driving them towards a tipping point. Find out how, together, we can keep these irreplaceable landscapes alive

An aerial shot showing a large area of Malaysian rainforest that's been cut down

The true cost of your food

Your food choices have a huge impact on the planet. Do you know the environmental footprint of your next meal?

Plastic pollution like bottles and bags floating under the surface in the sea

Give plastic the push

Eight million tonnes of plastic end up in our oceans every year. Here’s how you can help to reduce the waste by cutting out unnecessary plastic from your day

Illustration of two arms hugging a heart-shaped globe

Everyday ways you can help the planet

You’re already a hero to us, but are you a green hero as well? Follow our top tips to enjoy an even more sustainable lifestyle