
Smoke rises above farmland and trees on fire in Sao Paulo state, Brazil

Tell our leaders to bring our world back to life

The next UK government will need to take urgent action to stop the destruction of nature. Sign our petition to tell our leaders to act now

A person in a WWF T-shirt works in an urban community garden

Create a greener world at work

An office, a workshop or even outdoors – wherever you work, could your company go greener? Our new guide makes it easier to create a more sustainable workplace


A creative call for change

When craft and activism meet, the result is craftivism – using handicrafts to give everyone a voice. And it created an international success story for WWF-UK

A hazel dormouse faces the camera as it clings to a slender tree trunk covered in lichen

Ask our leaders to take action for UK nature

The latest State of Nature report sparked protests around the UK as it revealed wildlife is still in decline. Will you help us call for more action?


Ask your MP to stand up for nature

We’re calling on leaders to stand up for nature and take action on climate change. Will you add your voice to ours?


Inside the People’s Assembly for Nature

Find out what it’s like to be part of the nationwide call for action as we hear from some of the team behind the People’s Plan for Nature

Low sunshine illuminates a valley of green fields, with purple flowers in the foreground

Will you act now to help save UK nature?

If Wild Isles has inspired you to do more to protect UK nature, a new campaign will help you take action, as well as making sure our leaders listen

A small group of common dolphins swim near the surface of the sea

Next steps for ocean protection

A new global agreement to protect huge parts of our oceans is a great leap forward for conservation. But there’s still work to do – which we can achieve with your support

An aerial shot showing a patch of cleared land in the Amazon

Landmark legal victory to protect the Amazon

With your support, we’ve won a historic legal victory to stop deforestation in protected areas of the Amazon

An illustration of a tree that's home to a variety of UK wildlife

The nature of happiness

Forests are vital to our health and our planet, but over 10 billion trees are felled every year. With your help, we’re working to protect and restore one trillion trees

Close-up of a green hummingbird in flight

Forest regeneration offers hope for the future

An area of forest almost twice the size of the British Isles has grown back this century, showing the huge potential for nature to regenerate if we give it the chance

Two women hold signs calling for climate action at a protest in London

Asking leaders to keep climate promises

To secure a future for people and wildlife, we’re demanding that every climate promise is kept – starting with the UK government and uniting under the banner #WeWontForget

Painting of coral reef and scuba diver surrounded by marine life

Just Imagine a better future

We’re working with artists to create and visualise a greener future – and you can enjoy their work in an online exhibition