Protect our world in your workplace

Our new Nature’s Workforce guide is making it easier for you to go green at work. Our top tips for an eco-friendly workplace will help you get started

27 June 2024

You might feel that your job doesn’t have a direct connection with nature, particularly if you work indoors or in a city.

But decisions made in the workplace can have a big impact on the planet. Your employers can act more sustainably on a corporate level, but there are also everyday changes that everyone can make.

These steps will not only help to reduce your company’s energy bills and carbon footprint, but could also save money.

And whether you work in a business, a school, a public service or another sector, when your organisation takes responsibility for its environmental impact, others may be encouraged to do the same.

Our tips range from quick fixes to bigger changes, but they can all have a positive effect on our planet.

A woman drops a plastic cup into recycling bins

Waste watch

Start small by making sure recyclable materials aren’t going to landfill. Get into good habits by removing your desk or workstation bin so you need to sort your rubbish into general recycling bins (and if your workplace doesn’t have recycling bins, ask if they can be supplied). If these communal bins aren’t being used properly, clearly label them to help colleagues sort their rubbish. If your company uses suppliers that put too much plastic in their packaging (for things like catering supplies), ask if they can reduce their use of non-recyclables and swap to planet-friendly options.

The perfect brew

Regardless of where you work, there’s bound to be at least one kettle on site. And there’s a good chance it’s not used efficiently, with more water being boiled than is needed – and that wasted energy adds up. So either make a round of hot drinks to use the kettle’s capacity or boil just enough water for your own drink. If there are quite a few people in your workplace, installing a boiling water tap could be a more efficient and cost-effective way to make lots of cuppas. Water is boiled and stored at the right temperature so you’ll only use what you need.

Woman and man having a chat in an office kitchen
Close-up shot of a business woman hand controlling smart electronic appliances with control panel in an office. Smart technology concept. Smart living. Lifestyle and technology. Smart office dashboard - using a control panel of a modern smart office

Big office energy

Improving the efficiency of your workplace heating, cooling and lighting methods is a way to reduce bills and carbon emissions in one. Relatively simple actions can make a difference, such as checking all rooms have energy-efficient lightbulbs in place and fitting window blinds to effectively manage the sun’s heat and light. Go a step further and install wifi smart systems that learn your workplace’s temperature and lighting habits so you’re only using what you need.

Shut down every day

At the end of a long working day, it’s tempting to quickly shut your laptop or set your computer to sleep. While they’re in standby, laptops and computers are still using energy, even with the lid closed or screen off. When you’ve finished for the day, take a minute to shut down your computer properly, turning off the monitor and switching off the power, too. Use the settings to make sure your computer switches into energy-saving sleep mode if you do leave it idle.

Power up your business

Your workplace can prove that it’s serious about reducing its environmental impact by becoming certified in Environmental Management. Becoming certified to the international standard on Environmental Management (ISO 14001) shows that your company wants to reduce its environmental impact. This is a recognised asset that should attract sustainably minded people and organisations to work with you.

Watercooler moment

Now that you’ve sharpened your workplace green credentials, spread the word to your colleagues. Your collective voice can lead to changes at your company to lessen its impact on the environment. From an informal chat to hosting a workshop, there’s a way to start the conversation that suits your business. Find advice and resources to engage your colleagues with Nature’s Workforce, a collaboration between WWF, RSPB and the National Trust. Our guide will help you take action at work to restore our world.


More ways to make a daily difference

Discover more ways to reduce your environmental footprint with our My Footprint app.

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